Tenant Blog

Advice for San Antonio Renters: How to be a Good Neighbor and Resident

Kevin Knight - Friday, February 21, 2020

When you’re renting a San Antonio property, you’re agreeing to follow the terms of your lease and be a good neighbor to the other residents living in your community.

Being a good tenant is probably something that comes naturally to you; and today, we’re discussing some of the things that can really make you stand out as the type of resident that landlords and property managers are eager to attract to their properties.

Build and Maintain Good Relationships

You’ll be living in your home for at least a year, so it’s important to establish a good relationship with neighbors and within the community. You can communicate promptly with your landlord or property manager. Answer phone calls and return messages. Be flexible when maintenance is needed or inspections are scheduled. Make sure you’re honest, accessible, and straightforward.

Pay Rent on Time

One of the best ways to have a successful rental experience and be a good resident is to pay your rent on time. It seems pretty simple, and it’s something that every professional San Antonio property management company will expect from you. You don’t want anyone chasing you down for late rent. Before you move in, make sure you understand the rent collection policy, and then follow it consistently every month. If you’re unsure of when rent is due or how it’s to be paid, consult your lease agreement.

Paying rent on time and following the other terms of your lease is the most important thing you can do to be a productive and successful resident.

Be a Good Neighbor

It’s important that you’re considerate when you’re renting a home. No one likes to live next door to noisy neighbors who have no respect for other people. If you have pets, make sure they don’t bark or leave messes on sidewalks and in the streets. Clean up after them and make sure your dog stays leashed. Be mindful of San Antonio’s noise ordinances and curfews, and don’t throw loud parties at night.

Take Care of the Property

The property you’re living in may belong to someone else, but it’s still your home. Take pride in where you live. While your landlord is responsible for making repairs and maintaining the home, you need to do your part to keep it clean and in good shape. Change light bulbs when they burn out, and keep your home cool in the summer and warm in the winter by changing out your air filters regularly.

Always report maintenance and repair issues promptly. That small leak under the sink may not seem like a big deal right now, but if it’s left unattended for weeks, it’s going to turn into a major catastrophe that’s expensive to repair and inconvenient to you. Always report these issues, no matter how minor they might seem.

Take Care of the PropertyThese are just a few of the ways that you can be an exceptional tenant. If you’d like to talk more about your rental experience, please contact us at Liberty Management. We love helping San Antonio residents enjoy their rental homes as much as possible.