Because of today’s advertising world, it is often easier to pick up a very expensive product because you have been convinced that you need it. However, some everyday items you probably have around the house are VERY inexpensive and work just as well as the costly ones. There is one way to save many dollars – using household items as cleaning products.
Here are a few ones to consider:
- Air freshener: place a bowl of vinegar in the kitchen or bathroom to absorb odors.
- Drains: for a great once-a-month drain cleaner, pour 1/2 cup baking soda into the drain, follow with 1/2 cup white vinegar -- it will foam. Cover and let sit 30 minutes and then flush with cool water.
- For stubborn, slow-running drains: pour 1-cup baking soda and 1-cup salt down the drain. Follow this with 2 quarts boiling water. Let sit 30 minutes, and then flush with cool water.
- Tile countertops: to clean ceramic tile, where mold and mildew accumulate, use a combination of 1/4 cup baking soda, 1/2 cup white vinegar, 1-gallon warm water, and 1-cup ammonia. Alternatively, regularly clean kitchen surfaces by using a spray bottle mixed with ½-cup vinegar and a quart of water.
- Glass cleaner: when glass-cleaning products leave residue on bathroom mirrors, mix 3 tablespoons of vinegar with a quart of water in a clean plastic spray bottle. Spray glass and wipe with a clean paper towel.
- Dishwasher: empty the dishwasher, pour in a ¼ cup of vinegar, and run the dishwasher again. Even if you prefer not to use the dishwasher, run at least once a week to keep seals from becoming hard and cracked.
- Refrigerators: clean regularly with soap and water; place a cup of baking soda in a bowl on a refrigerator shelf to absorb odors. A cup of dry unused coffee grinds can also absorb odors when placed on a refrigerator shelf.
- Washing machine: a half cup of baking soda can be added to the washing machine with regular detergent to help with mild odors.
- Toilets: remove waterline marks in the toilet bowl by pouring in 2 cups of white vinegar. Let soak overnight, then flush to rinse. If this does not work, rub the waterline mark with a wet pumice stone.
- Carpet stains: Vacuum the carpet if the stain is dry. If the stain is still wet, blot gently to remove excess – blot, do NOT rub. Lightly soak the carpet stain with clean water first to remove the stain – blot, do NOT rub. If the stain remains, mix a 3 Tablespoons of vinegar with a quart of water in a spray bottle and spray the stain; blot again; do NOT rub. If this fails, consult a professional carpet cleaner immediately; the longer you wait may mean the stain may not come out.
There are many more ways to use these home products and economize all year round. You can find many more tips on cleaning using simple home products on the Internet. Use them and save your money for more enjoyable activities.